24–30 Months Screener Kindly answer all questions that apply Startpress Enter May answer some “WH” questions such as what, where, who Yes No Consistently points to several body parts and pictures in books when named Yes No Uses up to 300 words by 30 months Yes No Understands a simple story when supported with pictures Yes No Begins to follow two step instructions. eg. pick up your chair and sit down Yes No Understands pronouns such as 'mine' and 'yours' Yes No Knows descriptive words, such as "big" or "small' Yes No Can follow 2 stage instructions, eg; 'give me the ball and go get your shoes' Yes No Uses 2-3 words to make phrases Yes No Begin to use pronouns such as 'you' and 'i' Yes No Name Name First First Last Last Email Phone If you are human, leave this field blank. NextSubmit Use Shift+Tab to go back
Kindly answer all questions that apply