18-24 Months Screener Kindly answer all questions that apply Startpress Enter Understands 'in' and 'on' Yes No Understands action words. Eg dance, run etc Yes No Begins to follow two step instructions. eg. pick up your chair and sit down Yes No Can name at least 6 body parts such as head, leg, nose, eyes Yes No Uses at least 50 words and picking up new words quickly Yes No Uses objects in pretend play (e.g., hold a remote to their ear and say ‘hello?’, feeding a doll) Yes No Pairs words with a lot of gestures such as pointing, shakes head, head nod, raise hand Yes No Enjoys listening to stories Yes No May use 2 words to describe an object or to make request. Eg. “ daddy baby” 'grandma byebye' Yes No Begin to use pronouns such as you, mine, my Yes No Follows adult body language including pointing, gesture and facial expressions Yes No Name Name First First Last Last Email Phone If you are human, leave this field blank. NextSubmit Use Shift+Tab to go back
Kindly answer all questions that apply